My 1st Vegan Thanksgiving And..But…Um…Yum

  I quit eating meat about a year or so ago; that is, anything that could look back at me that also had hair or feathers.  My last holdout was fish and dairy products. My wife Lee went from vegetarian to vegan about a year or more ago. I finally bit the organic bullet and became a vegan 49 days ago. 

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     Now there is a difference between being a vegan and being a vegan on Thanksgiving (actually the day before).  What?  No turkey? No smoked ham? Are you kidding?  But Lee happily toiled around in the kitchen concocting a recipe that smelled out of this world, but the question was, “Could it taste as good as it smelled?”  And furthermore, was it possible to eat a Thanksgiving meal without large chunks of white meat turkey with gravy?  The answer turned out to be an absolute yes.  The meal turned out to be gourmet and there was no way to tell it did not contain turkey.  I’m not sure how she did it but glad she did.

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      And unlike eating turkey, I was not sleepy after the meal, but did get to sleep about 10pm.  But at 5 pm I woke up craving more.  So I took out a pan and heated up another helping and enjoyed a very early Thanksgiving breakfast.

      Now I can’t promise everyone is going to enjoy being a vegan on Thanksgiving as much as I do, but then again, not everyone is married to the very talented Lee Hiller-London.  But she was kind enough to post photos of the meal on facebook which included recipes.   I strongly suggest you try them (even if its not Thanksgiving or any other holiday).  But be forewarned, you will be spoiled and not want to go back to your old diet or lifestyle. 

     I’m 58 and we’re going mountain hiking in about 2 hours.  We do that fairly often (Lee does it often) but 3 days a week is plenty for me.  Not bad for a guy with 3 heart stents.  We hike the steep incline any given time from 2-5 miles.  I think there might be something to this vegan thing.  And besides, it tastes very very good.   Happy Thanksgiving  All.



I am a bit of a goofy vegan mountain man very much enjoying my life with my beautiful talented nature photographer wife Lee HillerLondon who also blogs  I founded Londons Times Offbeat Cartoons & Funny Gifts in 1997 which have been Google #1 ranked since Jan. 2005.  I like to design shoes and clothes as well and founded the worlds only famous love quote shoes and for shoes and gifts with famous people and their famous wisdom quotes.